A self-proclaimed Outdoor Enthusiast

As an outdoor enthusiast, it is inevitable that the time will come when nature calls and you will need to “do your business in the woods”. But squatting in the woods can be much more difficult and uncomfortable than it needs to be — the experience of back pain, shaking thighs and just an overall feeling of stress when the time comes should be alleviated.

Upon research, I discovered that there are a few options out there, but none that offer an array of benefits that would tackle the needs at hand.

So after extensive research, development and testing, I am pleased to introduce the 3 Point Multi Tool.

About the Designer — Ryan McCormick


In my mid-40s, I discovered that I am not invincible. Over a few days in late 2017, I had a massive migraine headache. On the fourth day, I finally went to the emergency room at the Peter Lougheed Center in Calgary, Alberta. My head was pounding so hard I thought it was going to explode! My blood pressure at the time was in heart attack/stroke territory. My doctor said that I was eating and drinking all the wrong things, was 20 pounds overweight, and said I needed to make a drastic lifestyle change.

With newly prescribed blood pressure medication and a new look on my health and lifestyle, within two years, my blood pressure is back down to a healthy level and I have lost the extra weight. As part of my new lifestyle, I go on a four-kilometer hike every morning before work and, again, in the evening with the family.

I have been married to my high school sweetheart for 25 years and we have a 18 year old son and 14 year old daughter. We are a very active family, enjoying hiking, mountain biking, kayaking and camping, and spend many holidays and weekends in the Rocky Mountains and the Badlands of Alberta.

An ambition of mine is to, one day, hike and complete the Appalachian Trail with my son. Being outdoors is a very important component of my life and a natural part of each and every day.


Creating what the world needs.

Purposeful tools and the outdoors must
blend together in perfect harmony.